Just driving on every-day journey's I run into cemeteries. These are from Grove Hill Cemetery in Vernon, Connecticut. Believe it or not I was coming home from a visit to my therapist (isn't modern life wonderful?) I needed to visit a bank branch so I detoured a bit. There was this wonderful cemetery (Grove Hill Cemetery.) Several things struck me. It has a beautiful Chapel. Chapels are sometimes very nice and sometimes missing. This was old, stone and wonderful. Notice there is even a bell at the top. There were also a great deal of German names on the stones and there was a sundial. I will post some of these later.
One interest of mind is the American Civil War. I am a history buff (I even minored in it as an undergraduate.) I look for Civil War Markers. They often are very simple or you might call them plain. The stone below was from a civil war veteran. The little brass flag holder obscures the date, but it was 1902. This is a marker for a Civil War Veteran who survived the war! He was a Connecticut Volunteer. I wonder what action he saw? What was his story? I will never know.

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